Reiki courses

Learn the Usui system for awakening to who you truly are.

We offer Reiki 1, 2, and Master/Teacher Certification

Reiki 1 // June 1
Reiki 2 // June 22/23
Reiki Teacher Training + Retreat // July 5-7
Reiki Share // August 3
Brighitta also offers one-to-one mentoring for teachers + practitioners.

Read the book


Join us for an immersive serenade for your soul


One-to-one healing treatments offered in London, Brighton, Lewes or remotely

“Brighitta has a beautiful space and welcoming energy that allowed me to fully relax and share without judgement or fear. It was uplifting and completely life changing. I’m not one to exaggerate - my session with Brighitta truly switched my perspective on life and I enjoyed such a profound and beautiful experience that will stay with me for a long time. I can’t recommend her sessions enough!”
— Amy


Reconnect with your deeper Self

Photo courtesy of Alice Rose

ABOUT Brighitta

Brighitta is an Usui Reiki teacher, crystal sonic therapist and author of The Reiki Way. With a warm heart and big laugh, she guides her students to discover who they truly are through deeply activating experiences.

She created Awakening Light as a platform for exploring the mystery woven through all of life. She shares Reiki as a sacred, accessible and grounded path of awakening with students from all over the world.

Rooted in eastern philosophy with a mystical influence, Brighitta offers accessible teachings and transmissions that unlock our innate magic and deep knowing, allowing the soul to emerge. Having studied both the Japanese + Western Usui traditions, Reiki has inspired her since she first trained in 2004.

Instagram @brighitta